If you need help in English
On this page you can find information on how to receive benefits from Udbetaling Danmark, who administrates a number of public benefits you might be entitled to when you are living in Denmark.
The different benefits
Are you expecting a child?
Maternity/paternity benefits are public benefits paid to parents during their maternity or paternity leave by Udbetaling Danmark. Maternity/paternity leave is called 'Barsel' in Danish.
Do you have children?
Family benefits are a collective term for a number of public benefits that you can receive when you have children. Family benefits is called 'Familieydelser' in Danish.
Are you renting a home?
The housing benefit is a rent subsidy for which tenants of rented accommodation can apply if they meet a number of criteria, for example in terms of income and the nature of the rented accommodation. Housing benefits is called 'Boligstøtte' in Danish.
Are you a pensioner?
The state pension provides an income to all Danish citizens who are retired. The pension is comprised of a basic amount and a pension supplement. State pension is called 'Folkepension' in Danish.
Who is Udbetaling Danmark?
Who is Udbetaling Danmark - Public Benefits Administration?
When you are living in Denmark, there are a number of public benefits that you can apply for. While you need to apply for some benefits, others will be paid out automatically based on your circumstances.
Udbetaling Danmark is the authority responsible for the collection, disbursement and control of a number of public benefits.
The benefits include the situations in which you are expecting a child, you take a maternity/paternity leave (maternity/paternity benefits), you have children (family benefits), you are renting a home (housing benefits) or when you have started your retirement (state pension).
Letters from Udbetaling Danmark
Have you received a letter from Udbetaling Danmark?
As a general rule, all letters from Udbetaling Danmark are in Danish. Therefore, if you have trouble understanding Danish, it may be a good idea to have a friend or acquaintance translate the letters.
You are also always welcome to call Udbetaling Danmark if you have any questions.
A power of attorney might help you
If you have a family member or someone close to you, who speaks Danish fluently, you might consider granting a power of attorney. This allows the person to act on your behalf. A power of attorney can both be applied to telephone calls and Udbetaling Danmarks self-service solutions, where you apply for benefits.
Provide a power of attorney
Power of attorney - if you need someone else to help you (with MitID)
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